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RoyceMedia protects business networks and devices with top-notch security solutions. Our security is based on our Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDs) and Network Intrusion Detection System Systems (NIDs). The HIDs monitors and protects your devices in real-time, while the NIDs analyzes network traffic to identify and prevent harmful activities. Both systems protect your firm using cutting-edge algorithms and technology.

Without HIDs and NIDs, a business is in danger of:


Data breaches

Effective monitoring and detection systems allow sensitive information and data to be easily protected.


Unauthorized access

Identifying and preventing illegal access to devices and sensitive data is complex without an HIDs.


Malware attacks

A NIDs can assist in detecting and preventing malware assaults on a network. Malware may proliferate concealed and do damage to systems and data without it.


Performance degradation

Malware on a device without an HIDs might hinder performance and reduce productivity.


Compliance violations

Organizations must often implement security measures, including HIDs and NIDs systems, to secure sensitive data and comply with rules and standards. Failure to do so might result in sanctions.


Reputational damage

A security breach or data loss can significantly affect an organization's reputation and brand image.

Process Of Setting Up HIDs & NIDs

Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your network and devices to evaluate their security requirements and demands.

Stage 1:

Plan the deployment of the HIDs and NIDs, taking network size, the number of devices, and the existing security infrastructure into mind.

Stage 2:

Install the HIDs software on each device and the NIDs on the network.

Stage 3:

Configure the HIDs and NIDs systems to meet the network and devices' specific security needs and requirements.

Stage 4:

Test the HIDs and NIDs systems to ensure they work as intended and to identify and resolve any issues.

Stage 5:

Regularly monitor the HIDs and NIDs for potential security threats and ensure that they are updated and maintained to keep pace with changing security needs.

Stage 6:
Monitoring & Maintenance

Establish a plan to limit security risks' effect and react to security occurrences.

Stage 7:
Response & Mitigation
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